Wednesday, October 21, 2015

The Reason For My Journey

When things go well, capitalization becomes opportunistic.  No, not the “Adding of upper case letters to words” meaning.  Capitalization as in moving something from the expense line to the asset line.  Yep, you guessed it I was trained in the science of accounting.  But that’s not important for this discussion.
When you establish relationships with people in which you are both transparent there isn’t anything to hide.  More importantly there isn’t the hint of a façade.  Facades are for hiding things or making things appear to be different than they are.
These are relationships that enable us to capitalize on what we know about people.  Don’t read this to mean ‘exploit for lopsided gain to the detriment of the other’.  It is much easier to trust those with no political agenda.  Heaven help me but I have people on my staff that play the political game so well it’s frightening.  There are whispers, secrets and smiles that hide true feelings.  I tire of that shell game quickly.  When that happens the tether on my temper slips and patience suffers.
Yes I know I can’t fire off every time something bothers me.  So don’t play hide and seek with your feelings or tell me something you think I want to hear.  Because you know the truth will surface at an inopportune time.  That makes for a heavy dose of tension that eventually pulls the façade from its support posts.  When it topples you see the truth and you’re either shocked or frustrated.  Are either of these outcomes worth the miniscule amount of time you buy with the charade?
Where are you going on this rambling road dear?
I was getting to that love; keep your panties, or whatever you wear under your outer garments, secured.
I met with a friend that I’ve known for two years.  This male was introduced by a long-time male friend, dating back to my college days.  At lunch he told me his story of being knocked to the curb several times.  He picked himself up and dusted himself off to try again.  That happened twice more and this person is still fighting and impressive as anyone I have ever known.  Life was exceptionally demanding of him and he interpreted that demand as preparing him for something wonderful.  I admire my friend for being an open book and willing to help others understand that life can be challenging but was not going to keep him from achieving.
Feeling that familiar peace and calm I said, “I’m going through some exciting and major changes in my life.”  His eyes brightened as his brow asked the unspoken question. “I’m transgender going through transition and will be the woman I was born to be full-time in early 2016.”  I didn't have to wait for his response.
“That’s wonderful, awesome, rock on!”  He used the term ‘rock on’ when he was amped up about something.  He reached across the table with a closed fist to offer the new version of a high five.
“My daughter thinks she’s a boy.”  The words stuck me like a shot to the solar plexus.  Catching my breath I repeated what he said then asked, “What do you think?”
Again no hesitation, “I love her and I want her to own it if she believes in it.” We talked for over half an hour.  He wanted my input, feedback and opinion.  I gave him a brain dump.  I know that didn’t take very long, what did we do for the next twenty-nine minutes?  Very funny!!!
He told me about a long letter of disclosure the girl wrote, carrying all the signs of gender dysphoria.  He didn’t know what that was.  He wasn’t aware of LGBT-specific resources, etc.  I offered my sincerest and full support no matter what he and his child need over time.  When I returned to the office I sent a bevy of references, resources and links.
Oh by the way when we finally went our separate ways he embraced me and said, “It’s Nikki right?  Then Nikki it is!”
At three o’clock this morning something ephemeral awakened me and drew me to the laptop on the dresser.  Opening and signing on I saw an email from my friend. It contained the full body of the letter his child had written.  Through tear-blurred eyes I absorbed every nuance and feeling.  My heart filled with love for this child and my friend and I also felt the familiar feelings that I experienced growing up. The big difference is this child articulately laid out feelings more courageously than I could have done or would have dared to do.  Opening a Word document I copied and pasted the emotional plea for help and responded with all the details I could accumulate in as succinct a manner as possible emphasizing the need to embrace this child and gain the child’s confidence.  I warned that appropriately trained professional assistance, which is readily available, should be engaged after earning the faith and respect of the boy in a girl’s box. This is a tenuous situation, the tipping point between allowing this child to properly adjust to the life intended and losing this child to a life-ending event.
I’m where I am for a reason and each day that reason comes plainly and clearly into view.  What I once viewed as a curse praying for this cup to bypass me I now see is my calling.  I am where I am at this point in life and I have the powerfully awesome, committed and loving inner circle of true and trusted soul sisters and heart friends as resources for us to support each other as we help the world to see genuine transgender people as real human beings as vulnerable and valuable as any conventional person.  We’re making a difference one life at a time and that difference reverberates like a pebble dropped in the center of a still body of water.  You never know who you will reach and how you will reach them. 

Love and hugs, Nikki DiCaro

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