Friday, April 4, 2014

Nails on the Chalkboard

Sitting quietly he stared across the table. She sipped at her coffee, the sucking sound like nails on a chalkboard. A thousand times he asked her if it was necessary to make all that racket and nine hundred ninety-nine times she apologized. The last time he asked she ignored him. That time he thought she slurped even louder.
            “What was her problem? I never do things that aggravate her, why does she have to do things that drive me crazy?” He chomped on the crusty bread, smacking his lips as crumbs dribbled from his mouth. Continuing to watch her, contempt dripping from his gaze, she focused on the plate in front of her. The longer he looked the more frustrated he became. His imagination wandered to those picture perfect model type actresses with the pudgy men and how they just adored each other. Why couldn’t she just adore him?
            She looked up. “Are you okay, can I get you anything?” Her genuine smile made him feel self-conscious about his black thoughts. Her gaze weighed heavily on him as he shifted uncomfortably in the seat.
            “No I’m fine.” He paused trying to hold her gaze. “How is your steak?”
            “Good, it’s always good.” She poked a piece of the medium rare carne into her mouth. He watched her chewing. He had to look away. When he watched her eat it was like the sounds were magnified a million times. He could feel the hackles on his neck standing at attention. Turning back to his partially eaten meal he chomped on the bread, a loud crunch permeating the room.
            Finished, she rose clearing her place. He watched her. When her back was turned he made a face at her. The childish maneuver caused him to stifle a chuckle. If only she knew how much I despised her she wouldn’t be so nice to me. He looked down as she reached the sink and looked back towards the table.
            “More coffee dear?” He looked up as if she had broken his attention. The well practiced action was not lost on her.
            “Sure.” He held up his mug just like you would do to signal the waitress. She retrieved his cup and brought it to the counter.
            As she poured she spoke to him. “Milk and sugar, sugar?” she spoke the words reverently.
            She knows I take milk and sugar but she insists on asking every time. That was another thing that worked on his nerves. He had to do something and do it soon before the remaining marbles trickled out of his bag. “Two sugars babe, light on the milk.” She worked away preparing it just the way he liked it. Carrying the mug slowly back to the table she watched the brown liquid swirling around willing it not to breach the rim.
            Placing it squarely in front of him she cleared his place. Stepping back she watched. She always watched him sip coffee. He felt obliged to compliment her work even though he thought he could do just as well if not better. After the first sip he managed a smile. The coffee did taste better, maybe she is trying another blend. That doesn’t make sense since the first cup didn’t taste like this.
            Bringing the cup to his lips for a second sip he managed two swallows before the mug slipped from his fingers. It hit the table, tipped and spilled its contents. His face landed beside it, eyes staring blankly at the kitchen cabinets. She watched, smiled and retrieved a dish cloth to clean up the mess before it soiled her pristine kitchen floor.